verification of the identity and address legal entitieslegal documentslegal representatives
national identity card
Law no 2010/021 of 21 december on electronic commerce Cameroon
AML law and regulations became effective in 2005 and are only applicable for banks.
The Banking Commission
Yes, an update of the customer database is required.
No, there are no minimum transaction thresholds under which customer due diligence is not required.
The requirements are:
a) verification of the identity and address of the customer by reference to official identity papers;
b) for legal entities, the verification of legal documents and legal representatives is required;
c) public officials require heightened scrutiny; and
d) the bank must collect information to cover the following: anticipated account activity, source of wealth and sources of funds.
The requirements are:
a) verification of the identity and address of the customer by reference to official identity papers;
b) for legal entities, the verification of legal documents and legal representatives is required;
c) public officials require heightened scrutiny; and
d) the bank must collect information to cover the following: anticipated account activity, source of wealth and sources of funds.
The requirements are: a) obtain information on the beneficial owner; and b) verification of the identification and the address of the professional intermediary.
Customer due diligence is enhanced for unusual or suspicious activities/transactions.
For a PEP, the bank’s senior management must give authorisation before an account opening. The transactions in their accounts require heightened scrutiny
Banks must acquire information on the compliance of their correspondent with AML regulation. The relationship must not be established if the correspondent is not compliant with AML regulation.
For a non face-to-face relationship, a bank must consider the need to perform independent verification.'
National Agency for Financial Investigation (“ANIF”)
There is an obligation to report on transactions where the identity of the beneficiary or the originator is suspicious.